A recent cartoon in the DomPost featuring two sisters in old fashioned habits flanking a rugby player has prompted Mercy Sister Elizabeth Julian to reveal her real-life rugby pedigree. As a teacher of members of the Fili, Lealamanua, Fea’unati and Fa’atau families at schools in Miramar (Holy Cross) and Newtown (St Anne’s), she can claim to be a one person junior rugby academy.
“I’m only disappointed that my favourite old boy rugby star, Lome Fa’atau, won’t be in Wellington when I run out on to the field with Mother Fatima. I did so enjoy watching him at the Cake Tin. I’m so excited I can hardly contain myself,” she wrote.
- Tim Donoghue in The Dominion Post
- Image: scrumoftheearth.com
News category: New Zealand.