Four ways to incorporate spirituality into work


Spirituality is a powerful resource that can help us thrive at work.

“At its best, work provides us the ability to support ourselves and our loved ones, and can also provide us with a sense of meaning, opportunities for growth, and community.” So says the Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being.

As many of us know, however, work often doesn’t function “at its best.”

Work burnout

According to the World Health Organisation, work burnout is characterised by being depleted or exhausted at work; feeling distant from one’s job, including feeling cynical about it; and reduced professional effectiveness.

This appears to be increasingly common. For example, in a recent national survey of American workers, more than half (57 percent) reported they were experiencing at least a moderate amount of work burnout.

Oftentimes, work stress and burnout stem from factors beyond our control. But, is there anything we can do that would help us cope with work-related difficulties? Is there anything we can do to thrive?

Incorporating spirituality

Something many of us haven’t really considered is how the spiritual part of our lives might relate to our work lives.

Approximately 86 percent of American adults report being at least somewhat spiritual, and for those who have integrated spirituality into their work, studies suggests significant benefits.

In a recent review of research, for example, workplace spirituality was said to have “significant potential to influence workers and organisations in meaningful ways, fostering integrated (rather than segmented) lives and giving rise to personal and organisational well-being.”

Below are four suggestions for how we might meaningfully incorporate spirituality into work. Read more

  • Andy Tix, Ph.D., is a professor, writer, and consultant with expertise in the psychology of well-being, religion, and spirituality.
Additional reading

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