Air strike on Gaza school a step too far


Caritas Aotearoa NZ and the NZ Catholic Education Office (NZCEO) have expressed their disgust following an air strike on the Holy Family School in Gaza and have called again for the hostilities to end.

The two Catholic organisations are united in their condemnation of the armed conflict.

“End the hostilities!” say Caritas Aotearoa NZ’s Mena Antonio and the NZCEO’s Dr Kevin Shore.

Both chief executives are appalled that the air strike targeted the school and caused civilian casualties and serious destruction in the school compound. Four people died.

The school, run by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, housed hundreds of civilians whose homes were destroyed in an air strike last October.

The tragedy at Holy Family School should never have happened. It was a place of refuge for the most vulnerable people, says Antonio.

It was a school, Shore added.

“Schools should be a safe haven! Our young people should not be seen as collateral damage in any war. This violence must stop – and human dignity must be paramount.”

End hostilities now

All parties must effect a cease fire and allow aid and supplies into Gaza via an unhindered humanitarian corridor to Gaza, Shore and Antonio say.

The people caught in Gaza are desperately in need of water, food, medicines and other essential supplies.

Antonio says Caritas continues to aid all who are in need regardless of nationality, religious belief, gender or ethnicity. It prays for peace and security for all peoples.

The Catholic organisation is the world’s second largest humanitarian network, working across 165 countries.

“We are working for a world free of poverty and injustice through community development, advocacy, education and emergency relief” Antonio says.

The New Zealand Catholic Education Office serves the educational requirements of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference.

Shore says the office also assists the Conference and the Proprietors of Catholic Integrated schools in their mission of providing Catholic education.


Additional reading

News category: New Zealand.

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