Pope Francis visits fun park, delighting workers and artists

Pope Francis

Pope Francis visited a summer festival at an amusement park last Wednesday.

The Holy See Press Office says Francis made the journey to visit Sister Geneviève Jeanningros (81) of the Little Sisters of Jesus who has been caring for homosexuals and transgender people at the park for 56 years.

Jeanningros lives at the park with Sister Anna Amelia.

After greeting the fairground workers and circus artists, the Pope was treated to a show.

He also blessed a statue of “Our Lady, Protector of the Traveling Show and the Circus” and greeted the families and children present.

LGBT Ministry

Francis met Jeanningros earlier this year after the general audience at the Vatican. She told him that he had received the LGBT community she assists during an earlier audience.

“They love him so much because this is the first time that a pope welcomes trans and gay people” she said after his visit to the fun park last week.

“They thank him because they have finally found a Church that has reached out to them” said Jeanningros.


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