Ceasefire crucial amid Middle East’s “last chance” for peace

"last chance" for peace

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa has issued a stark warning regarding the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land.

Pizzaballa says that the current negotiations represent the “last chance” for peace between Israel and Hamas.

Speaking at the Rimini Meeting in Italy, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem described the situation as a “fateful moment”, calling for an immediate ceasefire to prevent the crisis from deteriorating further.

The war, which began on 7 October following a Hamas attack on Israel, has led to unprecedented suffering for both Israeli and Palestinian populations.

Pizzaballa highlighted both sides’ deepening hatred, resentment and mistrust, stressing the urgent need for political and religious leadership to guide the region out of its current turmoil.

“We cannot talk about peace at this moment” the Patriarch stated, reflecting on the persistent violence. He acknowledged that while a path to peace exists, institutional leaders lack the resolve to pursue it.

“War will end” he added. “I hope that the negotiations will resolve some problems: I have my doubts, but this is the last train.”

Anti-semitism condemned

The Latin Patriarch noted the internal strains within the Catholic Church, with some members serving as soldiers in the Israeli army. In contrast, others endure the hardships of living under bombardment in Gaza.

Amidst this, the small Christian community in the Holy Land continues to face significant challenges. Despite their political insignificance, Pizzaballa emphasised that the mere presence of Christians in the region is symbolically important.

The Patriarch also condemned the resurgence of anti-Semitism, calling it a “drama” and a sign of “deep decadence of civilisation”. He stressed the responsibility of religious leaders to oppose ideologies that deny others the right to exist.

Push for diplomatic solutions

Meanwhile US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been actively engaged in Middle East negotiations, urging both Israel and Hamas to agree to a ceasefire.

Blinken highlighted the importance of humanitarian aid reaching affected areas and called for the protection of civilians. His involvement underscores the Biden administration’s push for diplomatic solutions amid escalating violence.

Blinken also stressed that any ceasefire must include provisions for the safe release of hostages held by Hamas. His diplomatic efforts are seen as crucial in preventing further deterioration of the conflict and fostering a sustainable peace in the region.


Vatican News


The Guardian

CathNews New Zealand


Additional reading

News category: World.

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