Excommunicated archbishop, former US envoy says he fears for his life

A former Vatican envoy to the United States who has publicly called for Pope Francis’s resignation and who was excommunicated earlier this summer has said his life is in danger and voiced belief that the sanction against him is invalid.

Speaking to veteran Vatican journalist Franca Giansoldati with Italian newspaper Il Messaggero, Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò said he has been candid about his whereabouts because “after the release of my memoir on the McCarrick case in August 2018 a contact of mine from the United States warned me that my life was in danger.”

“This is why I do not reside in a fixed place. I don’t want to end up like Cardinal Pell, or like my predecessor in Washington, the nuncio Pietro Sambi,” he said, referring to the late Archbishop Pietro Sambi, who served as Vatican envoy to the U.S. from 2005 until his death in 2011.

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