Foxton’s St Mary’s Catholic School pupils become principals for a day

It’s not every day the student becomes the master, but it was certainly the case for three St Mary’s Catholic School Foxton pupils on Friday.

Last week, year six pupils Billy Leadbetter 11, Kyla Perez 10 and Mikaylah Wright 11 spent the day as principals. The day started with their dressing up, said Billy.

“We wore our best principal-type clothes and then had a photoshoot. We worked with our real principal to put the photos on Facebook to show people what we were up to.”

Mikaylah said she enjoyed dressing up for the day.

“It was really fun.”

It wasn’t just photo shoots on the day, there was real work to be done as well, said Kyla.

“We hosted our school assembly. We wrote a script and then did the whole thing. We also helped the teachers present the value, sports and good work certificates. That was a lot of fun.”

Billy said while they had fun, the trio were also under no illusion as to what a school principal’s work load was really like.

“I know they do a lot more work than photoshoots and assemblies. What we did wasn’t a lot of work and we know principals do so much more.” Continue reading

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News category: New Zealand.

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