Vatican hails 95 year old China bishop’s recognition as diplomatic win

Sino-Vatican relations

In a move seen as a significant step in Sino-Vatican relations, the Chinese government has officially recognised Bishop Melchior Shi Hongzhen as the bishop of Tianjin.

The Vatican portrays this development as a victory for Pope Francis’s ongoing efforts to engage with China.

Bishop Shi, 95, has long resisted joining the state-sanctioned church. This led to periods of imprisonment and house arrest.

Despite these challenges, his recognition as bishop comes after years of negotiation between the Holy See and Beijing. It marks the first time since 2005 that the diocese of Tianjin has a bishop accepted by both church and state.

“The Holy See has learned with satisfaction that today, 27 August 2024, Bishop Melchior Shi Hongzhen has been officially recognised under civil law as bishop of Tianjin” a Vatican press office statement said.

“This measure is a positive fruit of the dialogue established over the years between the Holy See and the Chinese Government.”

Sinicization of Catholicism

The announcement comes just weeks before the anticipated renewal of a provisional agreement between Rome and Beijing. The agreement regarding the appointment of bishops was initially established in 2018.

The recognition ceremony, held at a local hotel rather than Tianjin’s cathedral at Shi’s request, was attended by Bishop Joseph Li Shan of Beijing, a figure appointed by the government but also recognised by Pope Benedict XVI.

Reports indicate that during the ceremony, Shi pledged to uphold China’s constitution and support the Sinicization of Catholicism. Some critics view this process as a means of increasing governmental control over religious practices.

Although this development is viewed as a success, some sceptics in Rome might dismiss the recognition of a 95-year-old bishop as merely a symbolic gesture.

Meanwhile, some in China argue that the government aims to frame the acceptance of a well-known underground bishop as a victory for the state-controlled Church.

In a recent interview, Pope Francis described Chinese Catholics as “faithful people who have gone through so much and remained faithful”.

“The Chinese are masters of patience, masters of waiting, you have the ‘virus of hope” the pope said. “It’s a very beautiful thing.”


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