Posts Tagged ‘Beneficiaries’

Mum of two bought a home while on a sole parent benefit

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

Hayley Donaldson is what anyone would call a Kiwi battler. A sole parent and mum of two under five, the 25-year-old is now a first time home owner, too. When she left school at 18, Donaldson moved south to try her hand at farming and discovered she loved it. Moving up to the Waikato a Read more

Beneficiaries owe record $2.1 billion to Govt as cost of living soars

Monday, June 13th, 2022

Low income New Zealanders now owe more than $2.1 billion to the Ministry of Social Development as they continue to have to borrow money to survive. The latest figures show beneficiaries owe $200 million more than the same time last year. In this year’s Budget, the Government gave those over 18 and earning $70,000 or Read more

ACT party says people on benefit should not have babies

Monday, August 28th, 2017

ACT party leader David Seymour says if his party helps form the next Government, beneficiaries who “keep having children” will have their financial freedom taken away. Speaking in the minor party leaders debate last Saturday Seymour said having babies while on the benefit was an “outrage” to working parents, and “the biggest driver of child poverty Read more

Budget recognising some Kiwis are missing out

Thursday, May 25th, 2017

Two billion dollars will go back into the pockets of New Zealand families, with the Government unveiling a combination of tax cuts, a boost to the accommodation supplement and Working for Families. Salvation Army says the budget is a step in the right direction to correct the growing imbalance in New Zealand society between the Read more

Tolley says being on benefit not a lifestyle

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

The Ministry of Social Development handed out 80,202 sanctions to clients between July 2013 and September 2014, mainly for people not turning up to appointments. Other reasons for sanctions leading to cuts or cancellation of benefits are failing to attend seminars or not providing proof of a job search. Minister of Social Development Anne Tolley Read more

Things may be not as rosy as they say in godzone

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Things may not be as rosy as they say in God’s own country. A Canterbury Community Law (CCL) investigation, which looked at access to justice for beneficiaries, says beneficiaries felt they were treated as “non-humans” by Work and Income – not even allowed access to toilets during lengthy waits at offices. “Beneficiaries are uniformly scared stiff Read more

Reclassifying beneficiaries won’t create jobs say Caritas

Friday, November 30th, 2012

Reclassifying beneficiaries under the new legislation will do nothing to create jobs says Caritas Aotearoa in the sumbission it made to Parliament’s social services committee on Wednesday Research and advocacy co-ordinator Lisa Beech said what the legislation was attempting to do had parallels with the poor houses of Britain in the 19th century. Beech said Read more

Free long term reversible contraception – oppression or liberation? Eugenics or social responsibility?

Friday, May 11th, 2012

Is it oppression or liberation? Eugenics or social responsibility? The New Zealand Government’s proposal to make free long term reversible contraception available to beneficiaries and their daughters has created a tidal wave of comment and has seen groups that do not normally see eye to eye agreeing with each other. In its submission to the Read more

Foodbanks coming under pressure

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

Food banks around the country have empty shelves and no back-up as a wave of need hits New Zealand. Foodbanks from Auckland to Dunedin are reporting empty shelves and with Christmas looming they are asking for food donations – specifically canned soup, fruit and spreads. The Auckland City Mission said their food parcel statistics were Read more

No support for Child Poverty Group’s recommendation

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

The Child Poverty Action Group report’s main recommendation – “that Working for Families tax credits should be made available to beneficiary families as well – is opposed by Labour and National alike,” writes Gordon Campbell. One in five New Zealand children live in poverty, with subsequent effects on their health, educational achievement, and productivity – to Read more