Posts Tagged ‘Catholic inculturation’

African communities challenge Church over inculturation

Thursday, September 5th, 2024
African communities

Tensions are escalating between the Catholic Church and traditional African communities over the integration of local customs into religious practices. Some African communities, particularly in Cameroon, have accused the Church of disrespecting their cultures under the guise of inculturation (adapting Christianity to local customs). This has sparked a debate on balancing cultural respect with the Read more

Catholic culture and local culture in culture clash

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Catholic inculturation in Cameroon must stop. This is the firm advice given to the Bishop of Kumbo in Cameroon. The Nso Cultural and Development Association (NSODA) has written a strongly worded letter warning the Catholic Church against adulterating their culture “in the guise of inculturation”. The Nso is one of the largest clans in Cameroon’s Read more