The Bible’s gone Viral

Ten member of the Christian Motorcycle Association are helping launch the first set of Viral Bibles in Lincolnshire, England.

The Viral Bible Project as an initiative is just one of the many ways in which Biblefresh, a nationwide Christian movement celebrating God’s word, is marking the 400th anniversary of the completion of the King James Bible.

Over the next 12 months, more than 200 Viral Bibles will be given out to random people at Christian festivals and events.

The Bibles will be passed on from hand to hand, linking friends and sharing Bible passages along the way.

Recipients will be invited to enter their basic details and highlight a passage that has challenged or influenced them. They will log onto a dedicated website – to place a ‘pin’ on a Googlemap, and then pass their Bible on – to go as far afield as possible.

The progress of each Viral Bible will be tracked with the help of a unique code printed on the cover which allows each temporary owner to log in.

Users can see where the Bible has been so far and draw inspiration from people’s chosen verses.

Organisers are hoping that each Viral Bible will makes its way all around Britain before returning to the Evangelical Alliance head office in Easter 2012.

“It’s a creative and fun way of engaging a large number of people with the Bible and with Biblefresh, who may not otherwise get involved,” says Krish Kandiah, Biblefresh chair. “Our prayer is that a love for the Word would sweep through our churches encouraging, challenging and helping us to serve God’s purposes better.”

Biblefresh was set up to encourage people to rediscover scripture in new and creative ways and is co-ordinated by the Evangelical Alliance, with the involvement of more than 100 other agencies.

Dr Krish Kandiah, of Biblefresh, said: “Although I grew up in a Hindu family, I felt compelled to read the Bible for myself and when I did so, I was amazed to discover how scripture is able to inspire hope, promote justice and change lives.

“It is our prayer that as people up and down the country and abroad will read these Viral Bibles, they will share their experiences as well as inspire and encourage one another.”


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News category: World.
