Posts Tagged ‘Sue Seconi’

Judging another might not be a bad thing

Monday, July 10th, 2023

The next liturgical season is Advent! In the wake of the streak of feasts of Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday and Body & Blood of Christ behind us, we’re now in what is called Ordinary time. It is a unique time to give ourselves permission to be seduced more deeply and intimately into the mystery Read more

Come Holy Spirit come and keep on coming

Thursday, May 25th, 2023

To fully grasp what Jesus was really ‘on-about’ during His public ministry can only happen in light of Pentecost Sunday. The disciples not only linked the dots but were convinced without a doubt that ‘their mutual friend’ was the Son of the Living God. He was the Saviour their ancestor had pined for. Jesus’ execution Read more

The Parables

Thursday, February 23rd, 2023

An effective teaching tool of Jesus’ were the parables. When the people He was engaged with couldn’t figure out the meaning of what was being taught, He would use parables to bring the Gospel truth into everyday life circumstances. All 47 parables provoke us to look at our attitudes towards each other. Do we behave Read more

I love Christmas time

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

Setting up the Christmas tree that’s been stored away for 12 months in the top of the wardrobe makes me think, where has the year gone? I actually feel as if I’m back in July somewhere. Putting up the decorations triggers memories of Christmas’ that were either tough or wonderful, and final relief comes when Read more

NZ Synod response done and dusted. Yeah right.

Thursday, October 6th, 2022

The NZ Synod response cannot turn to custard. Issues only go away when they are dealt with. The New Zealand Catholic Bishop’s Conference National Synthesis sent to Rome on 16th August 2022 completes New Zealand’s stage in the synodal process. Responses from each Diocese were categorized under 6 themes: Inclusion, Gathering, Leadership, Education & Formation, Read more

Lay and ordained, co-responsible leadership

Thursday, May 6th, 2021

The most critical shift emphasis since Vatican II is the appreciation and understanding of God’s calling for us laypeople. “They are the Church – co-responsible with bishops, priests, and religious for Christ’s mission on earth” writes Martin Work in “Laity” an introductory observation prefacing Apostolicam Actuositatem. (The decree on the laity). We are the People Read more