Bishop Dunn unconvinced by study’s claim believers are dumb

A University of Edinburgh study makes the claim that believers are dumb. The claim that the more religious you are, the less likely you are to be intelligent, are “a bit hilarious”, according to Bishop Patrick Dunn. “The suggestion that the less intelligent you are the more religious you would be seems to be “degrading and insulting,” he said.

Many devoutly religious people, including business leaders, judges and school teachers, were highly intelligent, said Bishop Dunn.

“I can’t take [the study] very seriously.”

He was unconvinced there was any connection between intelligence and religion.

IQ testing, like that used in the study, was a useful tool but could not show a person’s full intelligence, he said.

“I’ve encountered people of great intelligence and I’ve encountered idiots who have a high IQ. Most people have a gift – some of them will show up in an IQ test, but not all of them will.”

However, he did agree that less intelligent people of all faiths tended to be more fundamental in their thinking, “whether they claim to be Christians or atheists or Muslims or whatever”.




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