Teacher letting her alter ego surface in name of rock shows

A Dunedin secondary school teacher has an alter ego that comes out to rock once the students have gone home.

Trinity Catholic College’s Sophie Whibley is teaching a range of subjects this year — religious studies, drama, maths and integrated studies.

However, when the last of the students file out of the classroom, she heads home to don her Rock Diva persona and races to practise with four other average-by-day Dunedin rockettes.

“My head is in two totally different places — when I’m at school I’m not thinking about the show at all, but after school it’s all about rehearsal.
“Then when I get home, I think ‘Oh gosh, I have to plan for my lessons tomorrow’.”

Ms Whibley’s rehearsal schedule with the other Rock Divas starts this week. Read more

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News category: New Zealand, News Shorts.
