Posts Tagged ‘Barry Coates’

Your Kiwisaver is likely paying for Israeli weapons

Thursday, August 1st, 2024

Mum and dad KiwiSaver investors may be helping finance the Israeli war in Gaza but they might not know it. The claim is made by Barry Coates, chief executive of Mindful Money. Coates told Stuff’s Esther Taunton that most people do not want to invest in weapons, but KiwiSaver providers do not tell them where Read more

KiwiSaver investments in unethical stocks on the rise

Thursday, September 7th, 2023
KiwiSaver investments

Passive investment strategies and index funds are having an adverse impact on the environment, animals and human welfare, according to Barry Coates. Coates is CEO of Mindful Money. Analysis conducted by Mindful Money reveals that of the $98 billion of KiwiSaver investments, a substantial $8.6 billion (8.9%) is now allocated to unethical stocks. This figure Read more