Posts Tagged ‘Islam’

Transgender inclusion? World’s major religions take varying stances on policies toward trans people

Monday, April 15th, 2024

The Vatican has issued a new document rejecting the concept of changing one’s biological sex. This is a setback for transgender people who had hoped Pope Francis might be setting the stage for a more welcoming approach from the Catholic Church. World Religions Around the world, major religions have diverse approaches to gender identity, and Read more

Mosque asks to broadcast Call to Prayer: Wgtn mayor says J**** C*****

Thursday, March 21st, 2024
call to prayer

When Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau heard Wellington’s mosques were seeking permission to broadcast the Call to Prayer, her response was offensive and irreligious. Whanau was on air at the time talking to The Platform’s Sean Plunkett. “The Platform has received quite a bit of feedback regarding the district plan vote Thursday on the broadcast of Read more

Hindu temples around New Zealand targeted with intimidating letters

Monday, July 24th, 2023

Intimidating anonymous letters have been sent to Hindu temples around the country, warning them that “idolatry is worse than carnage”. “Islam teaches that God does not share His divine attributes with anyone”, the letters continue, among several passages quoted from the Quran, Islam’s holy book. The letters began arriving last week, and police were immediately Read more

Once strongly Catholic city allows Muslim call to prayer

Monday, October 18th, 2021

Cologne has become the first major city in Germany to allow the “call to prayer” for Muslim worshipers. Municipal officials in Cologne say after consulting representatives of the city’s 35 mosques, a two-year pilot project would be implemented. The project will then be re-evaluated and may be extended. A few municipal rules have been developed Read more

How Pope Francis is transforming Catholic-Muslim relations

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

When did the church commit itself to better relations between Muslims and Catholics? I suppose the church really committed to dialogue and positive engagement at the Second Vatican Council, with the famous declaration on the relationship of the church to non-Christian religions, “Nostra Aetate.” There’s a paragraph in there dedicated to Islam and opening up Read more

Denmark’s law may force preachers to submit sermons to Government

Thursday, February 18th, 2021

Denmark’s religious liberty and freedom of speech and expression are at risk, say the country’s Christian leaders. They’re protesting about a proposed law requiring leaders of all faiths to translate their sermons into Danish and submit them to the government. The new law, is primarily aimed at radical Islamic groups, but will affect all churches. Read more

A case for teaching Islam in NZ schools

Monday, November 16th, 2020

In countries like the United Kingdom and across Europe, although a large number of Muslims follow the traditional Islamic way of life, there is concern around the number of Muslims becoming radicalised in their religion. How could this happen in advanced western countries and what lessons can be drawn to avoid this happening in New Read more

Language, love, laïcité and violence

Monday, November 9th, 2020

I write in support of Imam Gamal Foude’s comments on the need for love and respect in combatting violence. With all due respect to French leaders, I think they could start by reviewing the implications of laïcité. At this time, they have much to say about “Islamic terrorism”.  Worse, some of the language they are Read more

Christchurch imam suggests France copy NZs post-terror attack response

Thursday, November 5th, 2020

A Christchurch imam wants France’s president to take a lesson from New Zealand’s response to extremist violence. Imam Gamal Fouda spoke out after two beheadings and the murders of three people at a Catholic church in Nice. The attacks are abhorrent and contradict “the tolerant teachings of Islam and all good human values,” he says. Read more

New Zealand ranked the most ‘Islamic country in the world’ in annual index

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

New Zealand has been named the country that most fits Islamic ideals for the second year in a row, but the area of everyday finance is still difficult for Muslims, says a financial commentator. In the 2019 Islamicity index, released earlier this year, New Zealand is ranked first overall, followed by Sweden, Iceland, the Netherlands, Read more