Posts Tagged ‘Women’

In a church that has yet to deal justly with women, I stay a keeper of the vision

Monday, May 6th, 2024

I will be 80 years old in June. As a young child in the Methodist Church, I was certain I was called to ordained ministry. At Duke University, I majored in religious studies and then served as pastoral assistant and director of religious education in a small church in upstate New York. Then, in the Read more

Smaller gender pay gap for women with Catholic employers

Thursday, March 7th, 2024
gender pay gap

Women with Catholic employers are well-supported financially, with a smaller gender pay gap than their peers. Released on 27 February, the first national Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) report also notes some say their employers could do more to uphold all their employees’ dignity. The WGEA investigated about 5,000 companies, each employing more than 100 Read more

Catholic women working to change the church take inspiration from female saints

Monday, March 4th, 2024

Women in key roles at the Vatican and Catholic universities in its close orbit have been leading an effort to raise women’s standing and visibility in church governance, creating a growing network of experts, diplomats and scholars like them around the world. “Today we still have a lot to do to promote women. There are Read more

Synod on Synodality – Fifteen hidden gems

Monday, November 13th, 2023

At the Synod on Synodality, the Western media focused on a limited number of hot-button issues — women’s ordination, married priests and blessing of gay couples. But hidden in the synod participants’ 40-page synthesis are some surprising gems that could lead to significant reform in the church. The hidden gems The first is a new Read more

“Where there’s a will …” – Cherie Blair

Thursday, October 12th, 2023
Cherie Blair

Cherie Blair is challenging traditional Catholic teachings, calling on the Church to understand family needs more and open a debate on birth control. Blair is a barrister and women’s rights advocate. She spoke by video at a parallel Synod event, Spirit Unbounded, an assembly organised by the international reform network Blair began her speech praising Read more

Women’s ordination advocates rally at Vatican

Monday, October 9th, 2023
Women's ordination

Advocates for women’s ordination in the Catholic Church gathered in prayer and solidarity at the Basilica of St Praxedes in Rome during the historic Synod on Synodality. The Vatican has drawn the faithful from across the globe, including bishops and cardinals, for the month-long synod. The synod, arising from a comprehensive global consultation of Catholics, Read more

Pope’s trip to Mongolia about charity not conversion

Thursday, September 7th, 2023

The Pope’s historic four-day visit to Mongolia ended on Monday amidst discussions about charity. Pope Francis’ main purpose in visiting Mongolia was to visit its tiny Catholic community. He completed his trip with a stop to tour and inaugurate the House of Mercy. The House of Mercy provides health care to the most needy in Read more

Recognising women – major hope of Synod

Thursday, July 27th, 2023

The question of women, ministry and leadership echoed loudly in parishes and bishops’ assemblies when Pope Francis called two years ago for a worldwide discussion among rank-and-file Catholics about the Church’s main challenges and issues. The question is resounding more loudly as the summit of bishops and lay Catholics known as the Synod on Synodality, Read more

To reach and keep young Catholics, the church must recognise women’s leadership

Monday, June 19th, 2023

Women play a vital role in passing on the faith to the next generation. But when 99% of Catholic churches have a male preacher this Sunday in a world where 50% of the Catholic population are women, it’s time for our daughters and granddaughters — and sons and grandsons — to see us naming out Read more

Women are women

Thursday, May 11th, 2023
women are women

Mary Harrington’s new book Feminism Against Progress boldly asserts that women are women. Human embodiment matters because we are our bodies rather than being some sort of disembodied minds that happen to be piloting meat suits. Consequently, feminism focused on effacing the differences between men and women does not serve women’s interests. Harrington writes from Read more