Posts Tagged ‘Colonialism’

Churches supports freedom for West Papua people

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

Church leaders attending a workshop, Rethinking the Household of God, which was held in the Solomon Islands at the beginning of June have agreed to actively support the struggle for political independence of the people of West Papua. The call comes a week before Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono attends the Pacific Islands Development Forum Read more

African clergy link gay rights criticism to colonialism

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

Some African clergy have likened foreign criticism about gay rights on their continent to a new wave of Western colonialism. Support for government legislation criminalising homosexual acts and levying harsh penalties is widespread among Christians in Africa. A Kenyan religious scholar said homosexuality is not new in Africa, but open promotion and marketing of it Read more

WCC petition – Put West Papua on UN deconlonisation list

Friday, November 15th, 2013

A petition has been circulated at the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly calling for West Papua to be included on the United Nations list of territories to be decolonised. Pacific church leaders from 12 countries have signed the petition which also calls on the WCC to send a fact-finding mission to the Indonesian-controlled Read more

Darlene Keju – Champion for Nuclear Survivors

Friday, June 28th, 2013

Don’t Ever Whisper — Darlene Keju: Pacific Health Pioneer, Champion for Nuclear Survivors, the biography of Darlene Keju has just been released. It was written by Keju’s husband of 14 years, Giff Johnson. A a young woman Keju championed the cause of nuclear weapons test survivors. She took to a global stage at the World Council of Read more

Indonesian security forces detain scores ahead of demonstration

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

Indonesian police and army units have conducted heavily armed security sweeps across Jayapura ahead of planned mass demonstrations by civil society organizations, including the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Indonesia’s annexation of West Papua. The raids began at 3am local time on April 30, after the new Papuan Governor Lukas Read more

Uniting Church asks Pacific Island peoples for forgiveness

Friday, March 8th, 2013

The Uniting Church has asked for forgiveness for the divisions and pain it has caused Pacific communities in the past. In a submission presented to regional leaders at the Pacific Conference of Churches 10th General Assembly in Honiara, the Solomon Islands this week the Church acknowledged that it has had a part in damaging communities by Read more

Pacific Conference of Churches supports Tahiti independence

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

A proposal to endorse the re-inscription of Tahiti on the United Nations Decolonization Committee’s list will be on the agenda at the Pacific Conference of Churches’ annual general assembly in Solomon Islands this week, despite opposition from France, New Zealand and Australia. PCC acting general secretary and Tahiti native, Reverend Francois Pihaate, told Radio Australia’s Pacific Read more

Waitangi day in London: what price a cultural inheritance

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

I’m sorry we upset the British with our antics in London on Waitangi Day. They’re not used to this sort of thing. The British are known for their abstemious ways with alcohol, and the respectful way they behave on, for example, soccer grounds. They may be known for their steady drinking at neighbourhood pubs, their Read more

Church leaders offer APEC island-style challenge

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

Dozens of faith leaders from around the Pacific offered an interfaith, island-style challenge to APEC  at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church in Waikiki. Hundreds of community leaders were expected to attend this event, representing a dozen denominations and Pacific Island nations. Rev. Kekapa Lee says “Our island culture requires that we welcome all visitors with Aloha, Read more

Fiji given a Hail Mary Pass by Britain

Friday, September 30th, 2011

Perhaps we should not be surprised that Fiji dropped the democratic ball after the Hail Mary pass that their Colonial masters gave them at independence: a nation divided by tribal and ethnic barriers. In the course of Britain’s colonial rule so many Indians were imported to work in the cane fields, that by the time Read more