Posts Tagged ‘Contraception’

Talks start to reconcile reformist theologian with Rome

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

Talks aimed at reconciling a leading advocate of Church reform with Rome were scheduled to be held in Dublin last week. Fr Tony Flannery, who had been banned from ministry by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was due to meet senior members of the Redemptorist order to which he belongs. Fr Sean Read more

Abortions sky-rocket in Vietnam as family planning excludes youth

Friday, November 28th, 2014

At a small Hanoi cemetery, Catholic farmer Nguyen Van Thao opens a fridge and pulls out a bag of bloody fetuses to prepare for burial — a grim reminder that Vietnam has one of the highest abortion rates in the world. Around 40 percent of pregnancies in the country end in abortion, according to a Read more

Kenya’s bishops say tetanus vaccine laced with contraceptive

Friday, November 14th, 2014

Kenya’s Catholic bishops have charged that a tetanus vaccine used in a national campaign has been laced with a contraceptive hormone. The vaccination campaign, sponsored by the World Health Organisation and UNICEF, is aimed at girls and women of reproductive age. The bishops said four independent laboratory tests in Kenya and elsewhere showed the vaccine Read more

1000s of fertility samples may be destroyed

Friday, November 14th, 2014

Eggs, sperm and embryo samples of almost 2000 people are set to be lawfully destroyed as a ten year storage time deadline approaches. In 2004, the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act was passed governing the practice of fertility treatment. In 2010 the legislation was amended allowing the retrospective 10-year storage period for eggs, sperm and Read more

The legacies of Blessed Paul VI

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

(RNS) As he wraps up a Vatican meeting marked by sharp debates over sex and morality, Pope Francis on Sunday will honour one of his most controversial predecessors by beatifying Pope Paul VI, who is most famous for reaffirming the Catholic Church’s ban on artificial contraception. Beatification puts Paul one step shy of formal sainthood. The move Read more

Couple tells family synod of their contraceptive use

Tuesday, October 14th, 2014

A French couple has admitted to the synod on the family that they used artificial contraception after the birth of their third child. But Olivier and Xristilla Roussy said their experience with contraception was not a good one. After their third child was born, Mr Roussy said, Xristilla was exhausted; they thought that using the Read more

RIP Pope John Paul’s “contraceptive mentality”: 1979-2014

Tuesday, October 14th, 2014

The biggest news to come out of the bishops’ synod in Rome so far is the acknowledgement that when it comes to talking about issues of family and sexuality, language matters. Among the examples of “harsh” rhetoric that bishops discussed as doing more harm than good in terms of “inviting people to draw closer to Read more

PNG: Population growth an opportunity not a disaster

Tuesday, October 14th, 2014

A spokesman for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands said that an increase in population, far from being a “nightmare” could mean social and economic growth for the country. Papua New Guinea does not need to promote family planning or practices such as contraception and abortion,” said Fr Giorgio Read more

Prelate tells family synod modern Africa won’t be dictated to

Friday, October 10th, 2014

A Nigerian archbishop has told the synod on the family that no-one should try to impose foreign cultures and ways on African peoples. Africans “have come of age”, said Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama, who is president of the Nigerian bishops’ conference. “We should be allowed to think for ourselves,” he said, noting that many African countries Read more

Family: PNG church addresses tough issues

Friday, October 10th, 2014

“We need to stress the weaknesses and at the same time the complexity of the family in the Melanesian context”, according to Catholic Bishop Arnold Orawae of Wabag. He said this at a press conference in Port Moresby as he was setting out to Rome to attend the synod on the family with Pope Francis. Read more