Posts Tagged ‘David Cameron’

New law will compel churches to offer same-sex marriages

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

David Cameron will not be able to exempt the Churches from a duty to offer marriages to gay couples, a senior Catholic barrister has warned. Neil Addison, the director of the Thomas More Legal Centre, said that the Prime Minister’s assurances to the Church that they would not be compelled to perform religious marriage for Read more

Doubts emerge: Liberal PM Cameron has last say on new Archbishop

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

Britain’s Conservative MP’s have begun lobbying Prime Minister David Cameron to select a traditionalist candidate as the next Archbishop of Canterbury. In the midst of Britain’s debate on redefining marriage to include people of the same sex, Peter Bone, the MP for Wellingbrough and Rushden is one urging Cameron to choose someone who represents the Church’s traditional Read more

Cardinal asks why not redefine marriage as three men or women

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

Madness, a grotesque subversion of a universally accepted human right, and a redefinition of reality is how Cardinal Keith O’Brien, leader of the Catholic Church in Scotland described proposals to redefine marriage so as to allow same-sex unions. In a hard-hitting column in the Sunday Telegraph, O’Brien went on to ask: ‘If marriage can be redefined so that it Read more

To defend the Church’s role is to defend faith as a whole

Friday, February 24th, 2012

The Queen is right – our national religion is a force for unity and a channel of peace. William Blake famously asked “And did those feet, in ancient time, / Walk upon England’s mountains green?” The short, factual answer is, almost certainly, “No.” There is no evidence that Jesus ever made it to these shores. If Read more

David Cameron faces church backlash over ‘cultural vandalism’

Friday, February 24th, 2012

Mr Cameron, who has publicly pledged his support for gay marriage, is facing a growing backlash from within his own party over the proposal to redefine the legal definition of marriage to include same-sex couples.

He is now facing the prospect of an open breach with prominent religious figures – just a week after leading Conservatives voiced their support for Christianity following a series of court rulings which reinforced the secularisation of Britain.

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Cameron: Britain is Christian “do not be afraid” to stand up

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

British Prime Minister, David Cameron, on Saturday, ventured into faith world, saying “moral neutrality is not going to cut it any more.” In a speech to mark the 400th birthday of the King James Bible, Cameron declared Britain ‘a Christian country’ and said politicians and church leaders should not be afraid to say so. The “passive Read more

Archbishop warns gay marriage will weaken marriage in Britain

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

British PM David Cameron’s plan to legalise gay marriage will weaken marriage as an institution at the heart of British society, Archbishop Vincent Nichols said. Nichols said at a news conference that Cameron wants to “annex the institution of marriage” for homosexuals. Nichols said he respects Cameron’s desire to encourage equality and committed gay relationships. Read more

Keith Locke calls for end to discrimination against Catholics

Friday, October 28th, 2011

Green Party candidate Keith Locke says any changes to royal succession laws must end all discrimination against Catholics. British Prime Minister David Cameron has proposed a change in royal succession law to remove the bias against female heirs and the disqualification on a heir who marries a Catholic. Locke said the Government should tell Cameron Read more

Catholics could succeed to the British throne

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011
prince william and kate middleton

British Prime Minister David Cameron has launched a push to change key provisions of the 1701 Act of Settlement that currently restrict the chances of female members of the Royal Family inheriting the throne and bar Catholics from the line of succession. The issue, to be discussed at a Commonwealth leaders summit later this month, Read more