Posts Tagged ‘Family’

Pacific likely to see population start dropping

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

Pacific women are likely to start having fewer and fewer children in future and this could lead to population decline in some areas.

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Courts do not see less family violence judge says

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

Police statistics showing a drop in family violence offences don’t square with overloaded courts and the number of victims being treated at hospitals, the Principal Family Court Judge said. Judge Peter Boshier questioned police statistics which show recorded family violence offences reversed an upwards trend to drop by 3.1 per cent to 52,408 in 2010-11. Read more

Facebook allows unborn children in family

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Facebook is letting expectant parents add their unborn children to their personal profiles. Among the regular family options the profile now allows the option “Expected: Child” and can even add a name and the expected date of birth. A Facebook spokesperson said, “Facebook started providing the option to add an ‘Expected: Child’ as a way Read more

Is Marriage necessary any more?

Friday, June 24th, 2011

Forty years ago our parents had to get married if they wanted to have sex and children. Those who flouted the convention were either careless or brave. Today, nearly half of the children born in New Zealand are born outside marriage. At any one time, though, only about 12 per cent of them live with Read more

Children: joy, despair, comedy

Friday, June 24th, 2011

In nine years I have been graced with three children and here is what I have learned about them. They are engines of incalculable joy and agonising despair. They are comedy machines. Their language is their own and the order of their new halting words has never been heard before in the whole history of Read more

Increasing food prices stretching family budgets

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

Increasing food prices, coupled with record high petrol prices and last year’s GST increase, were stretching family budgets beyond their limits according to Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei.  She was responding to a news report about a mother living on a diet of two-minute noodles so that she can buy bread to feed her children. According Read more

Pay parents to care for babies

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

In a report issued on 21 March The Commissioner for Children, John Angus, says that “in an ideal world care at home by parents or extended family is in the best interests of infants under one-year-old and has suggested that parents should be subsidized to stay off work and spend more time with their children during Read more