Posts Tagged ‘Feamale ordination’

Amazon bishops let down by Pope’s response to lay assistance

Monday, July 15th, 2024
Amazon bishops

Amazon bishops did their best to offer the Pope fresh ideas at the 2019 Amazon Synod – just as he asked for, Bishop Erwin Kräutler says. Pope Francis provokes “an insane hope” he says. Hope of reform. Hope that may remain unfulfilled. “I am one of those people who – as Pope Francis says – Read more

Promoters still hope for ordained women deacons despite pope’s big N-O

Monday, May 27th, 2024
women deacons

Those promoting women deacons are still hoping their dream for ordained women will come true. Their vision continues despite Pope Francis saying a very public ‘No’ to the idea as recently as last week’s CBS News interview. No way During the CBS interview, Francis said he is not open to the possibility of ordaining women Read more