Posts Tagged ‘Frank Bainimarama’

Fiji’s CCF give detailed analysis of new constitution

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

At the start of the month Fiji’s newly drafted constitution was given assent into the law of the land, the first time the island country has had one since the previous constitution was scrapped by the military backed regime in 2009. The new document has been praised, by those who say  it provides a blueprint Read more

Fidji achève son processus de consultations constitutionnelles

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012

 La Commission Constitutionnelle des îles Fidji, qui avait entamé en juillet 2012 un processus de consultations en vue de recueillir les avis du public concernant le contenu à venir d’une nouvelle Constitution, a achevé cette phase en début de semaine et se prépare désormais à rédiger un texte qui devra, ensuite, être soumis à l’approbation d’une Assemblée Constituante. Read more

In Fiji, a detour on the road to democracy

Friday, July 13th, 2012

Fiji’s military ruler sat behind an imposing wooden desk, deep in thought. This was the most attention he had given to any of the questions posed to him in the interview thus far, and he seemed to be struggling to find an answer. Finally, after a lengthy pause, he said that he could think of Read more