Posts Tagged ‘Haiti earthquake 2021’

Pope Francis sends $230,000 for Haiti earthquake victims

Thursday, August 26th, 2021

Pope Francis will send over $230,000 (NZD330,000) in aid for victims of the Haiti earthquake, which struck Aug 14. The amount is “an initial contribution” to help the people of Haiti “in this emergency phase,” according to the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development. In an Aug 24 press release, the dicastery Read more

Haitians return to quake-damaged churches

Monday, August 23rd, 2021
Haiti quake-damaged churches

Parishioners in Haiti are returning to worship in quake-damaged churches following the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that devastated Haiti’s southern peninsula. At an evangelical church in the Bergeaud neighbourhood, parishioners sang hymns under beams of sunlight streaming through holes in the roof and walls. Pastor Sevrain Marc Dix Jonas said Sunday’s service was special because his Read more

Caritas Aotearoa NZ’s helping in Haiti and Afghanistan

Thursday, August 19th, 2021

Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand has joined with the Caritas International network to provide practical help to people in Haiti and Afghanistan. Julianne Hickey, who is the director of Caritas in New Zealand, says the turmoil in Haiti and Afghanistan “requires a global response as these crises unfold against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our Read more