Posts Tagged ‘Investment’

As safe as houses?

Monday, November 30th, 2020

Stein’s law says that if something cannot go on forever, it wont. But does a speculative bubble matter? The cryptocurrency bubble can be left to itself (tax evasion and criminal transactions aside). Why shouldn’t we do the same for housing? There are two general reasons why we should be concerned with a house price bubble. Read more

Catholic investing in changing times

Friday, July 17th, 2015

Poor coal. It seems like everyone is running for the door these days when it comes to investing in this dirty fossil fuel. The country of Norway and the city of Seattle are moving to divest their funds from coal. Religious organizations like the United Church of Christ, the Church of England, and universities like Read more

Pope nixes Vatican Bank Luxembourg investment fund plan

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

The Pope has rejected a proposal that the Vatican Bank has a variable share capital investment fund based in Luxembourg. The proposal had the approval of the Institute for the Works of Religion’s board and was put forward by its president. Having this type of investment fund would have helped IOR managers manage a portion Read more

Cheap supermarket booze under Church spotlight

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

The Church of England is likely to withdraw its investment in supermarkets that fail to meet its standards on the responsible sale of alcohol. The Ethical Investment Advisory Group (EIAG) wants to tighten its policy on cheap supermarket booze because of concerns about “corporate complicity in the misuse of alcohol, including through inappropriate pricing and Read more