Posts Tagged ‘Rob Marris’

UK MPs overwhelmingly reject assisted suicide bill

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

A bill aiming to legalise doctors helping terminally ill people commit suicide has been overwhelmingly defeated in Britain’s House of Commons. The private member’s bill, sponsored by Labour’s Rob Marris, was defeated 330-118, with 220 MPs absent at the vote on September 11. Archbishop Peter Smith of Southwark said he hoped the result meant that Read more

UK faith leaders ask MPs to reject assisted suicide bill

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

Leaders of the United Kingdom’s major faith groups have called on their MPs to reject a bill that would allow legal assisted suicide. On Friday, the House of Commons will debate the Assisted Dying (No 2) Bill, put forward by Labour’s Rob Marris. The bill would allow patients judged as having no more than six Read more

Religious leaders back assisted dying bill in UK

Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

An alliance of Christian and Jewish clerics has voiced support for plans to change the law to allow a form of assisted suicide in the UK. In a letter to the Daily Telegraph, several [Anglican] bishops, priests and rabbis argued that, far from being a sin, helping terminally ill people to commit suicide should be Read more