Posts Tagged ‘Streamed Mass’

Live plays rarely make for successful TV viewing.

Thursday, May 28th, 2020

The Catholic Church was unprepared for COVID-19. Nothing particularly new there, countries have been caught unprepared; the transmission speed of this COVID-19 virus around the world has been unstoppable. The Decree released by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments from Rome on 25th March 2020, was unusually brief and not Read more

Caveat pastor!

Sunday, April 26th, 2020
shaping the assembly

Religions are inherently optimistic. That is why, despite the mess in the world, they proclaim an order, and celebrate it with repeated rituals. Even in a pandemic, religions see a world where “the facts are friendly”. Christians, along with Jews and Muslims, see the Creator as infinitely – and quite literally so – greater than Read more