Posts Tagged ‘virus’

Blurring Boundaries: Viral biology and interconnected reality

Thursday, June 25th, 2020
interconnected reality

The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically changed the way people live, both individually and collectively. But has it altered the way we think about the basic fabric of our lives? Not yet. I think it should, though—especially in ways that strengthen the vision of interconnected creation outlined by Pope Francis in Laudato si’. Influenced by literal Read more

US Ebola survivor believes in power of prayer

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

A US survivor of the deadly Ebola virus has stated her belief in the power of prayer. Nina Pham, a nurse from Texas, was the first person to contract the virus within the United States. This is believed to have happened when she was nursing Thomas Duncan, who subsequently died. Now declared free of Ebola Read more

Spanish priest infected with Ebola virus in Africa going home

Friday, August 8th, 2014

A Spanish priest infected with the Ebola virus in Liberia is the first patient to be sent back to Europe with the deadly disease. An air force plane from Spain was sent on August 6 to get Fr Miguel Pajares, 75, who was in West Africa doing missionary work. The illness has claimed the lives Read more

Four things you should know about the HPV vaccine

Friday, June 28th, 2013

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has attracted attention in the past week for two contradictory reasons: the Japanese government has withdrawn its recommendation for the shot, while public health officials in the United States have attributed a massive drop in the prevalence of the virus among teenage girls to its use. The Japanese government’s decision Read more