For just $1465 you can attend a conference on welfare reform

Does the New Zealand welfare system need an overhaul? Will the Government’s proposed changes achieve reduced reliance on benefits, or only make things more difficult for beneficiaries? For just $1465 you can attend a conference on welfare reform which is discussing these questions.

A conference on 20, 21 June at the Amora hotel in Wellington is considering these important issues. The standard registration fee of $1465, (or $895 discount rate) could well be a hurdle too high for some to jump. It  “is more than seven times the base benefit rate for a single person on unemployed or sickness benefit, while even the discount rate is still more than four times these rates,” says Caritas Director Michael Smith. “Participation even by community groups at these prices is out-of-reach.”

Mr Smith says real questions need to be asked about an event which aims to discuss solutions to poverty at prices that exclude the poor.

The Catholic agency has joined with other groups to put on an alternative “$8.95 Welfare Forum” which is free to beneficiaries, and with entry by koha or $8.95 for other participants.

Mr Smith said Caritas is delighted that members of last year’s Welfare Justice Alternative Welfare Working Group have agreed to speak at the alternative forum, which will be held at St John’s Centre, Cnr Willis and Dixon Sts, Wellington on 20 June from 2.00-5.00pm.


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News category: New Zealand.

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