St Patrick’s College pupil out to make a difference

St Patricks College pupil, Kieran Meredith says it is making a difference that drives him. He is one of fifty young people seleced to take part in New Zealand’s first UNICEF Youth Congress.

Kieran is in year 12 at St Patrick’s College Kilbirnie. Earlier this year he  started a programme to lift the achievement of Maori and Pacific Island pupils, whom he said the current school system was failing.

“As unfair as it may sound, I do believe our education system does not cater to Pacific Island and Maori students,” he said.

Kieran created Moemoea Tele – “dream” in Maori and “big” in Samoan – after reading and talking about the importance of Maori and Pacific Islanders’ achievement to the success of New Zealand, and seeing the pass rates of Pacific Island pupils at his school.

As well as this cocnern, Kieran is also interested it eradicating child poverty and minimizing global warming.

He hopes to pursue a career in law or politics.


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News category: New Zealand.

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