Mormons are Christians?

In the United States, Mitt Romney, one of the contenders for the Republican nomination for President, is a Mormon. This has given rise to a heated discussion about whether Mormons are Christians. The panelist on National Radio’s Afternoons with Jim Mora last week seemed puzzled that anyone would think otherwise, but there are many who do, some going so far as to call Mormonism a cult.

Michael Otterson puts the Mormon position. “Polling data shows that the biggest problem for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that about half the population knows nothing about them,” he says.

“Research shows that people have a far better view of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when they know a member personally. There is a point when those people who have seen Mormons caricatured in their Sunday School classes realize that the second-hand prejudices they have learned don’t fit with their first-hand experiences with faithful Latter-day Saints.”

Read Otterson’s column in the Washington Post

Michael Otterson is the head of Public affairs, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Image: The Washington Post

Additional reading

News category: Analysis and Comment.

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