Vatican official urges faithful to speak language of digital world

A Vatican official has told a gathering of Philippine Church leaders and Catholic social media practitioners in Manila to speak in a language understandable to the digital world to be effective evangelizers.

“If we are to share the Good News with our brothers and sisters in the digital continent, we must speak a language they can understand,” said Monsignor Paul Tighe, secretary of the Vatican’s Pontifical Commission on Social Communication.

Speaking at the two-day Catholic Social Media Summit in Manila, Tighe said the challenge confronting the Church is how to communicate effectively the word of God to today’s social media generation.

He said the language of digital and social communication is appropriate for evangelization because it is “conversational, interactive and dialogical.”

To become good citizens of the digital world, one must be open to dialogue and live a life that is “consistent with the Gospel,” he said.


UCA News
Image: UCA News

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