Catholic school stepping away from technology

Step into Saint Joseph Academy and the only technology you’ll find are a few computers in the teachers’ lounge. That’s because the newly opened Catholic school is choosing to go as tech-free as possible.

“It’s also very cool to see their natural curiosities when they don’t have a screen in front of them and to hear the questions that they have about real life,” Saint Joseph Academy teacher Libby Kunzmann said.

There are no smartboards or tablets either.

“When my son learned to place value at the age of four, he actually has a thousand and then a hundred and then a ten and then a one. So you’re laying it out. It’s very tactile as they get older. Our math curriculum is very similar. They use an abacus, so they’re manipulating the things that they’re learning. So you’re experiencing it.,” Head of School Sara Hofflander said

Hofflander said teachers also keep their computer use to a minimum.

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