Posts Tagged ‘Animals’

Did Pope Francis say animals go to heaven?

Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

The news networks are abuzz with stories saying that Pope Francis has said pets go to heaven. They’ve even “helpfully” noted how this contrasts with the position of his predecessor, Benedict XVI. But the thing is . . . the whole story is false. Here are 7 things to know and share . . . Read more

Animals also go to heaven suggests Pope

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

Tip the dog, Soda the cat and Tweety-bird, indeed all animals will also go to heaven. At least this is one interpretation of remarks made by Pope Francis in his weekly general audience in the Vatican, reports the Guardian. “The holy scripture teaches us that the fulfilment of this wonderful design also affects everything around Read more

Mormon missionaries rescue ducks from NZ drain

Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

Two Mormon missionaries working in New Zealand came across a duck quacking next to a storm water drain. Her ducklings had fallen through the grate into the drain While one filmed, the other pulled the ducklings out of the drain. Upon being freed, the ducklings immediately ran toward their mother, chirping their appreciation This heroic action Read more

Laos Christians forced to revert to animism

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Converts to Christianity in Laos are facing eviction from their village because of their beliefs, according to a US rights group. Authorities in Huay village, Savannakhet province, accused the Protestant converts of conducting worship in their homes and said they must recant or be expelled, said Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom (HRWLRF). The Read more

Cruelty to animals leads to greater acts of evil

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

A 12-year-old boy in Cannons Creek recently rescued a dog from being held down, kicked and hit with a cricket bat. In her weekly column, Rosemary McLeod reflects on what is likely to happen later in life to young people who are cruel to animals. McLeod contends that cruelty to animals “as a child is Read more