Posts Tagged ‘Archdiocese of Birmingham’

Westminister Cardinal Nichols called on to resign

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

Lawyers acting for almost 50 child sex abuse victims have called for the resignation of England’s Cardinal Vincent Nichols. The lawyers, Richard Scorer of Slater and Gordon, and David Enright of Howe and Co, made the call in a letter to The Tablet. In the letter, they say ‘the Catholic Church‘ is failing its safeguarding Read more

UK Cardinal more concerned about Church image than victims

Monday, June 24th, 2019

The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, stands accused of putting the Church’s reputation ahead victims of child sex abuse. The accusation, 20 June, came in a government inquiry report. The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual AbuseĀ (IICSA) concluded that children could have been saved had the Catholic Church not “repeatedly failed” to alert the police Read more