Posts Tagged ‘Birth rates’

Chinese authorities ask: Dear newlywed, when’s the baby arriving?

Monday, November 7th, 2022

An online post about a newlywed in China, who was rung up by her local government asking if she was pregnant, garnered tens of thousands of comments before being removed, with many netizens saying they had experienced similar calls. President Xi Jinping recently told Communist Party’s 20th Congress that China would establish a policy to Read more

Declining birthrates: trouble ahead

Monday, May 17th, 2021

Europe’s baby deficit is becoming impossible to ignore. In Rome on Friday, Italy’s prime minister, Mario Draghi, and Pope Francis were the star attendees at a special conference to discuss the country’s declining birthrate. According to the latest figures, 2020 saw the lowest number of births recorded since the Italian unification in 1861. Spain is Read more

Low birth rates could see West fall like Rome: Rabbi

Friday, June 10th, 2016

Western civilisation is on the brink of a collapse like ancient Rome because the will to raise children is lacking, a former UK Chief Rabbi has warned. Lord Jonathan Sacks said European society as it currently is “will die” because of a demographic crisis. He warned that even mass immigration is not a solution because of Read more