Posts Tagged ‘Bishop Tim Harris’

False child sex abuse charges against priest dropped

Thursday, May 30th, 2024
child sex abuse

A Queensland Catholic priest accused of child sex abuse has had all charges against him dropped. Father David Lancini’s lawyer, Justin Greggery, told the court that claims Lancini abused a boy in the 1970s were either fabricated or mistaken. Lying collusion Detectives and witnesses colluded in Lancini’s arrest last December. Greggery told the court witnesses Read more

Bishop mandates jab for Townsville Diocese workers

Thursday, November 25th, 2021

Townsville Bishop Tim Harris has mandated all Townsville Diocese agency employees and volunteers, excluding staff of Townsville Catholic Education schools and colleges, be vaccinated against COVID-19 by December 17. “The safety and protection of our parishioners, employees and volunteers continues to be a high priority. We’ve seen witness to this over the past 18 months Read more