Posts Tagged ‘Brisbane Archdiocese’

Modern slavery toolkit will help Catholics beat the scourge

Thursday, May 30th, 2024
modern slavery

Modern slavery practices in Australia are in for some hard-nosed opposition. A newly released toolkit aims to help Catholic parishioners in Brisbane stamp out exploitation practices. It also aims to raise parishioners’ awareness of the significant presence of slavery in Australia today. Brisbane archdiocese’s Legal, Governance and Risk team developed the modern slavery toolkit in Read more

New Brisbane Archbishop is not going to ‘circle the wagons’

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

Archbishop Mark Coleridge was installed as the seventh Bishop and sixth Archbishop of Brisbane on May 11. He indicated that he is determined to lead in facing “the Church’s greatest challenge in these times”. Preaching during his Liturgical Reception of him as Archbishop of Brisbane in the Cathedral of St Stephen he said, “Our greatest Read more