Posts Tagged ‘cinema’

Richard Dawkins backs CofE over banned Lord’s Prayer ad

Friday, November 27th, 2015

Atheist scientist Richard Dawkins has strongly objected to three UK cinema chains refusing to screen an advertisement featuring the Lord’s Prayer. The ad, produced by, shows the Lord’s Prayer being recited by members of the public ranging from bodybuilders to children, and also features the Archbishop of Canterbury. The minute-long ad received clearance from Read more

Fr Robert Barron finds God in unexpected places

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

Back in 2007, a Catholic priest from Chicago uploaded a video on YouTube – not about social issues, church scandals, or religious observances, but about Martin Scorsese’s film The Departed. “Evil cannot be fought on its own terms,” Fr. Barron said, riffing on Jack Nicholson’s character. “You fight fire with fire, the world becomes hotter. Read more

I watch therefore I am — lessons from movies

Friday, April 17th, 2015

How can we do the right thing? Force Majeure If you had lived in Germany in 1939, would you have helped protect Jews or gone along with their systematic extermination? If you had been an MP 10 years ago, would you have milked your expenses for what they were worth? And if you and your Read more

Noah: 5 other flood stories

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Noah did its job. It brought an ancient biblical story about a cataclysmic flood to life for audiences today. Was it biblical? Was it the least biblical Bible movie ever made? These questions flare up in what is frankly a flat and over-rehearsed debate about the Bible in [Western] life. Honestly, does it matter whether Read more