Posts Tagged ‘Compliance Costs’

Charities deregister over ‘jolly complicated’ rules

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

Funding consultant Thea Mickell said dozens of charities had told her they could not afford the increased cost of meeting the reporting requirement of New Zealand’s Charities Committee “One of the groups we work with, their annual audit fee would’ve been $3000 to $4000 and this year it leapt up to $9000.” Ms Mickell said Read more

Churches spending up to $100,000 on auditing fees.

Friday, May 20th, 2016

Churches are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to comply with a new crackdown on charities’ financial reporting standards. Charities who spendĀ more thanĀ $1m per year are being forced to open up their books, in some cases for the first time, under new laws which came into effect this month. The Charities Service say the new Read more

Planning rule changes worry Churches in Christchurch

Friday, December 12th, 2014

Anglicans and Catholics are worried proposed changes to planning rules in Christchurch could make it hard for them to rebuild earthquake-damaged churches. They have both made submissions on proposed plan changes. They say under the new rules their special recognition disappears. Under the current District Plan spiritual activities involving churches are treated separately from other Read more