Posts Tagged ‘financial scandal’

Caritas Luxembourg ends international projects after financial scandal

Thursday, September 19th, 2024

Following a multi-million euro fraud case at Luxembourg’s Caritas, the church aid organisation has been forced to stop its international aid projects. According to the report, the Caritas Luxembourg Foundation is laying off around 30 of its 500 employees in the Grand Duchy. In addition, 70 more jobs in South Sudan and Laos are to Read more

Slovenian bishop believed to have fathered two children

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

The Holy See has ordered two retired Slovenian bishops to withdraw from public life — one of them because he is believed to have fathered two children. Monsignor Alojz Uran, who served as Archbishop of Ljubljana and Primate of Solvenia from 2004 until 2009, has been ordered to move to the northern Italian city of Read more