Posts Tagged ‘Illicit Ordination’

Chinese Cardinal says “It’s war” between Holy See and Beijing

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

The Vatican has excommunicated another newly ordained Chinese bishop, the second in as many weeks. The excommunicated bishop, Joseph Huang Bingzhang, was ordained without Papal approval, and according to The Telegraph, in the presence of four kidnapped bishops who ‘witnessed’ the ceremony. The ordination has brought relations between the Vatican and China to a new Read more

Pope excommunicates Chinese bishop

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

The Holy See has pronounced automatic excommunication on Father Paul Lei Shiyin of Leshan, who was ordained a chinese bishop without papal mandate last week. A priest and Church observer outside China who asked not to be named said the move was taken for the good of the Church and followed a stern warning by Read more