Posts Tagged ‘Niwano Peace Prize’

Niwano Peace Prize goes to a Palestinian advocate for peace and interfaith dialogue

Thursday, February 29th, 2024

The Niwano Foundation awarded the 41st edition of its much-coveted Peace Prize to Prof Mohammed Abu-Nimer, a Palestinian-American who has distinguished himself for his “holistic contribution to the cause of peace.” A scholar and an active and committed person, he spent a life working for peace and interfaith dialogue, with involvement and dedication to his Read more

Peace prize awarded to interreligious group

Thursday, February 22nd, 2018

The Lebanese Adyan foundation for interreligious studies and spiritual solidarity has received the 35th Niwano Peace Prize. The prize was established to honor and encourage individuals and organizations that have contributed significantly to interreligious cooperation. The Japan-based Niwano Peace Prize Committee says the Foundation has been “a visible and committed actor for peace in Lebanon Read more