Posts Tagged ‘Noah’s Ark’

Owner of Noah’s Ark sues over rain damage

Thursday, May 30th, 2019

The owner of the life-size replica of Noah’s Ark in Northern Kentucky has sued its insurers for refusing to cover rain damage. Ark Encounter, which unveiled the 510-foot-long model in 2016, says that heavy rains in 2017 and 2018 caused a landslide on its access road, and its five insurance carriers refused to cover nearly Read more

Pope given a Noah’s Ark made out of chocolate

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016

Pope Francis received an unusual gift; A representation of Noah’s Ark made out of over 140 kilograms of chocolate. It is a gift of “La banda degli Orsi” [The Band of Bears], which is a charitable organisation in Genoa that supports the city’s Giannina Gaslini Pediatric Hospital. The ark, which consisted of more than 140 kilograms Read more

Creationist theme park with replica Noah’s Ark opens in US

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

A US$100 million theme park featuring a replica of Noah’s Ark built on scriptural lines has opened to the public in Kentucky. The “Ark Encounter” Christian theme park features a petting zoo, zip lines, live entertainment, a 900-seat auditorium and a 1,500-seat restaurant. The attraction’s founder, Ken Ham, said park is an evangelical tool aimed Read more

Noah’s Ark given the seaworthy seal of approval by physicists

Friday, May 9th, 2014

Noah’s Ark could have floated even with two of every land animal in the world packed inside, scientists have calculated. Although researchers are unsure if all the creatures could have squeezed into the huge vessel, they are confident it would have handled the weight of 70,000 animals without sinking. A group of master’s students from Read more