Posts Tagged ‘Nuns’

Nuns hit back over Vatican reprimand

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

The leader of a group of US nuns criticised by the Vatican last week is hitting back. Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of Network, a Catholic social justice lobby, insists the group would continue “caring for the least among us on the margins of society.” Campbell said that Network, which works with the LCWR and vocally Read more

My female faith hero: Catholic Sisters

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

One of the striking features of innovative interfaith work is the very high proportion of women and girls who are involved, despite the received image of mostly male religious leaders in dialogue.  Of the 687 young people who applied to be one of our 34 Faiths Act Fellows, there were 487 women and 200 men. Read more

97 year old Sister Felix gets a medal

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

This week 97-year old  Compassion Sister Felix received a medal for 7 decades of work as a sister. The medal was given to Sister Felix primarily for the work she did in the Wellington soup kitchen which was then in Buckle St. For more than 12 years she cooked breakfast and dinner every day, visiting sick, Read more

`Wayward’ nun celebrates 60th anniversary

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Sister of Our Lady of the Missions, Thelma Szymanska, took her permanent vows in January of 1952 and took the name Sister Mary St. Martha RNDM (Religious Notre Dame Des Mission).

She celebrated her 60th anniversary as a nun earlier this month. The occasion was marked after several church meetings. “It was a very little celebration,” she says.

Sister Martha says there were a lot of reasons she decided to become a nun. “The main reason would be that I was such a wayward kind of person

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Last Sister of Mercy retires from Hospital

Friday, November 18th, 2011

The last working Sister of Mercy at Mercy Hospital in Dunedin has retired from nursing.

Sr Chanel Hardiman, who is in her late 70s, was honoured at a farewell function at Marinoto House, in Dunedin, on Wednesday.

She entered the Sister of Mercy’s novice training in South Dunedin, aged 20, in 1953.

She told her guests much had changed during her career. Technology altered “everything”, in terms of equipment used and the job’s demands.


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The future of religious life and the plight of young adult Catholic women

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

Every year, hundreds of young Catholic women graduate from universities, graduate programs in religion, divinity schools and seminaries. Many of them go on to be theologians, chaplains, nonprofit leaders, advocates, activists and social workers doing outreach with the homeless, the incarcerated and victims of domestic violence. Their work is not only high-risk, it is often Read more

Sr Elizabeth’s rugby pedigree

Friday, June 17th, 2011

A recent  cartoon in the DomPost featuring two sisters in old fashioned habits flanking a rugby player has  prompted  Mercy Sister Elizabeth Julian  to reveal her real-life rugby pedigree. As a teacher of members of the Fili, Lealamanua, Fea’unati and Fa’atau families at schools in Miramar (Holy Cross) and Newtown (St Anne’s), she can claim to be a Read more

Pope prevents burglary, but nuns get away with the cash

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

Burglars dressed in boilers broke in to CathCom, Essex, but left empty handed after they saw an image of the Pope. Security cameras showed them opening the front door of the building, getting into the offices and disconnecting computers ready to take away – when a man spied a large image of Pope Benedict. The Read more