Posts Tagged ‘President Joe Biden’

Is it realistic to expect Joe Biden to ‘convert’ everyone to the Catholic view on abortion?

Monday, March 8th, 2021
joe biden convert abortion

It has puzzled me a long time why Catholics are so much more engaged with the abortion issue than members of other Christian churches. All Churches start their response to abortion from the same baseline – the Commandment “thou shalt not kill”. Yet they do not all arrive at the same destination. Why is this? Read more

In their response to Biden and abortion, are the US bishops attempting to impose a theocracy?

Monday, March 1st, 2021
catholic view on abortion

Are Catholicism and democracy incompatible? Pope Pius IX, in his notorious 1864 Syllabus of Errors, seemed to think so. Every Catholic politicians since then has had to wrestle with the eruptions and upheavals that occur where these two tectonic plates grind together. The latest example is President Joe Biden, who has been reprimanded by the President Read more

Bishops’ working group on Biden disbanded

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Less than three months after the formation of a controversial working group to deal with President Joe Biden, the nation’s Catholic bishops have disbanded the group, which produced a public rupture among the U.S. hierarchy in its approach toward the nation’s second Catholic president. According to two bishops familiar with the process, the work of Read more

US bishops split on how to deal with Biden

Monday, February 15th, 2021

The American Catholic bishops are split over how to deal with Joe Biden, the first Catholic president since John F. Kennedy, but it’s not just one split. A small but vocal minority wants to punish the new president for his support of legalized abortion, gay rights and birth control. These are the bishops who consider Read more