Posts Tagged ‘Religious Education Council of England and Wales’

Shortage of RE teachers will have ‘profound’ effect on Catholic schools

Thursday, September 5th, 2024

A leading Catholic RE teacher has warned that the shortage of RE teachers will have a “profound effect” on Catholic schools and urged the Department for Education to support the recruitment of more RE specialists as a new academic year begins. With government targets for recruiting RE teachers being missed in eleven of the last Read more

Government urged to ‘prioritise’ RE as Catholic schools celebrate results

Thursday, August 29th, 2024

The UK government has been urged to launch a national plan to “prioritise” the teaching of Religious Education (RE). The Religious Education Council of England and Wales (REC) and the National Association for Teachers of RE (NATRE) are calling for a “fairer allocation of resources to the subject” and the recruitment of more RE teachers. Read more