Posts Tagged ‘Russia’

Bainimarama blames Rudd for regional power vacuum

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

Frank Bainimarama – Fiji’s prime minister and the current chair of the four-nation Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) joined the chorus of criticism of Kevin Rudd in advance of last Monday’s leadership vote in Australia, accusing him of having neglected the Pacific as foreign minister.

He said Canberra’s lack of attention to the region – and especially its policy of shunning Fiji – had weakened Australian influence in the Pacific and had created a power vacuum that bigger powers were moving to fill.

Countries such as China and Russia were building relations with the smaller island states and strengthening their presence in Australia’s backyard.

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Virgin Mary’s relic causes unprecedented traffic jams in Moscow

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Traffic jams subsided in Russia after a relic, said to belong to the Virgin Mary, was returned to its home in the Greek monastic complex of Mount Athos. The relic, a belt of the Virigin, is believed to help women’s fertility and cure illnesses and modest estimates calculate nearly three million people visited the relic during its Read more

Half a million Russians queue to see belt of the Virgin Mary

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

Braving sub-zero temperatures and a line stretching several kilometres, almost half a million Russians queued this week to venerate a relic of the Virgin Mary brought to Moscow from Greece.

The Moscow authorities said 400,000 people had waited outside Moscow’s vast Cathedral of Christ the Saviour since The Belt of the Virgin Mary relic arrived on Saturday. Around 82,000 were queuing on Thursday alone.

In an extraordinary display of the strength of Orthodox Christianity in post-Soviet Russia, the faithful have stood in a queue stretching five kilometres (three miles).

The Belt of the Virgin Mary is believed to help women’s fertility and cure illnesses. It toured ten other Russian cities before arriving in the capital.

“There is something I need to ask. Nobody in this line is here just for fun,” said 40-year-old Ivan, who was waiting at the front of the line for his wife and child.

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Russia converted: Childhood prayers answered

Friday, May 13th, 2011

A recent poll shows 82 percent of Russians classify themselves as religious believers. This figure is greater than any other European country. Fewer, however, subscribe to organised religion. The survey carried out in April shows just 50 percent of Russians say they are Orthodox, while 27 percent didn’t associate themselves with any particular organised faith. Among Read more