Posts Tagged ‘Treaty of Waitangi’

Proposed Treaty Principles Bill “will empower weirdos”

Monday, April 8th, 2024
Treaty Principles Bill

The Coalition Government’s pledge to introduce a Treaty Principles Bill is insupportable, opponents say. Describing the proposed Bill as “radical”, former National Party minister Chris Finlayson and political commentator Matthew Hooten say the bills should not have the National-led Government’s support. Former  National Party attorney general and minister for Treaty negotiations under Sir John Key’s Read more

Call for national unity and to separate politics from treaty debate

Thursday, December 7th, 2023
National Unity

Calling for national unity, Māori King Tuheitia has issued a royal proclamation wanting a national hui to take place. King Tuheitia and the Waitangi National Trust say they want to hold the ‘unifying’ national discussion on the Treaty principles while the new coalition government prepares its own political debate on the issue. The royal proclamation Read more

Māori homelessness a Crown-Treaty failure

Monday, May 22nd, 2023
Māori homelessness

Ignoring Māori homelessness and failing to implement effective Māori housing policies is a Crown breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, says the Waitangi Tribunal. The Tribunal says the first stage of its inquiry into the Crown’s housing policy and services from 2009 to 2021 is now complete. It found the Crown’s actions breached Te Tiriti Read more

A growing number of non-Māori New Zealanders are embracing learning te reo – but there’s more to it than language

Thursday, February 16th, 2023
Waitangi Day

Waitangi Day again raises the question about what Te Tiriti o Waitangi means. As the late Moana Jackson commented, the meaning of Te Tiriti will be talked about in each generation because it is about a relationship between Māori and Pākehā and relationships must always be worked on. Here, we focus on the learning of Read more

The Treaty, in English or Māori, is still our best way forward

Thursday, February 9th, 2023

In 1987, the Court of Appeal came up with “principles of the Treaty” as part of its findings in the “Lands” case. The principles were based on the assumption that the two Treaty texts were not translations of each other and didn’t convey the same meaning. Therefore, the court felt free to explore what the Read more

Te Whāriki – an idea for Church reform in Aotearoa

Thursday, July 21st, 2022

Te Whāriki is a contemporary response to the need to reform the institutional Church in Aotearoa. “It is an urgent task,” the founding group says. “Although Pope Francis’ 2023 synod holds some hope for nurturing a church that is responsive to the needs of all, we don’t feel confident that the people can get the Read more

Catholic institutions support Matariki Public Holiday Bill

Thursday, December 9th, 2021
Wikipedia - Matariki

Three Catholic institutions – Wellington archdiocese’s Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission, Challenge 2000 and Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand have presented submissions to parliament supporting the proposed Matariki Public Holiday Bill. “As Indigenous people we need to take back and understand what time looks like for us. How do we observe the seasons, how do we Read more

Church attendance aided by being digitally literate

Thursday, November 18th, 2021

People with different levels of digital literacy will not be excluded from getting their Covid vaccine pass, says Covid Minister, Chris Hipkins. He gave the assurance, Wednesday on NewstalkZB. Singling out the elderly, Hipkins acknowledged that not all people have the required digital skills necessary to get the vaccine pass. He said they will be Read more

Liberal-Conservatives and Social Democrats: The future of Māori

Monday, September 20th, 2021
The future of Māori

Michael Cullen set out his political philosophy in his autobiography. So has Chris Finlayson. His is having a significant impact on Māori development. Chris Finlayson was Minister for Treaty Negotiations (and Attorney General) between 2008 and 2017. (Alas, he was Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage for only six of those years.) His record is Read more