Poverty hardly looks like privilege

So help me, Hone Harawira is right. It’s not the display gangs make of themselves that matters, but the reasons why gangs exist in the first place.

That a blue-eyed, pink-skinned, blonde MP, Todd McClay, tagging along after ex-Whanganui mayor Michael Laws, wants gang patches banned, illustrates the ignorance of even intelligent people when they demand draconian laws against whatever they dislike or don’t understand.

I don’t like what gangs do either, but I’d be tempted to join Harawira and wear a patch myself in protest against such a dopey idea if the law change ever happens. And when I link McClay’s mission to advertising man John Ansell, another pink person, who wants a referendum linked to his ‘Colour Blind’ campaign, I wonder what planet they live on. Read more


Rosemary McLeod is a New Zealand journalist


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